Better Lives, Stronger Communities
The Ohio State University Extension's Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) serves thousands of people throughout Ohio every year. FCS empowers Ohioians with the knowledge, skills and tools needed to make healthy choices, thus creating communites of Healthy People, with Healthy Finances and Healthy Relationships.
You can count on FCS to provide reliable, evidence-based information to encourage – and empower – people to adopt practices and behaviors to improve their finances, build more positive relationships with friends and family, and embrace healthier, nutritious lifestyles. We teach and promote safe food practices, better nutrition, better finances, better relationships, and balance the demands of life and work – helping people acquire the knowledge and skills to make healthy, informed choices in these areas.
In addition, the Live Smart Ohio team of FCS professionals provides timely research-based information on a variety of topics, visit them regularly at the Live Smart Ohio website: Live Smart Ohio. At the Live Smart Ohio website, you can also subscribe to the four different blogs that are written by our educators. The four blog topics are Food, Mind & Body, Money, and Family & Relationships.
You can also learn more about all OSU Extension family and consumer sciences programs at
Extension has been helping all Ohioans build better lives, better businesses and better communities since 1914.