Breakfast on the farm
In 2020, the Greene County community will host a large Breakfast On The Farm (BOTF) event to educate consumers about modern commodity agriculture and the way farmers care for their animals, protect the environment and produce safe, wholesome food. Impact survey results from other similar events indicated that over 60% of the attendees were first time visitors to a farm in 20 years and that the consumers significantly increased their trust in farmers in the key areas of care for environment, care for animals, and protecting water quality. As a result, the Greene County BOTF committee is planning for a late summer 2020 BOTF event.
If you are interested in being considered as a host farm site, please complete the form available here by February 1, 2020. The host farm will need to have a farm representative involved in the monthly planning process and be willing to serve as a spokesperson for the event. The leadership for the planning committee will be provided by OSU Extension Greene County and Greene County Farm Bureau. These agencies will coordinate donations and sponsorships, pay bills and lead the planning process. They will also assemble the committee to select the host site farm and preferred date of the event.
Again, the Greene County BOTF event will be approximately in September 2020 and the host farm will help determine the preferred date. Your consideration of hosting this event is greatly appreciated.