New 4-H Volunteer Requirements

Adults interested in becoming a volunteer with the Greene County 4-H program must complete several steps. These steps do not need to be done in sequence, but must all be completed before an adult begins working with youth in our county.

Please read and complete the following steps in order to be a 4-H Volunteer:

Volunteer Application (Complete online application below)

Online Volunteer Application

An Ohio BCI / Background check will need to be completed prior to becoming a volunteer. Please do not complete this until the interview has taken place. After we have received the references back, we will schedule a meeting.

  • All 4-H volunteers and committee members are required to attend one mandatory training each year. Look at the Greene Clover for dates and topics or call the office.

4-H Volunteer Opportunities

Please review these position descriptions for more information on duties and responsibilities.

Returning 4-H Volunteers

Returning 4-H Volunteers must have a clear Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI) fingerprint background check on file. This must be renewed every four years.  

BCI checks must be completed by February 15, 2025. Volunteers can print this 4-H Volunteer Criminal History Fingerprint Background Check Procedure    FORM 

CLICK HERE for a list of returning volunteers needing a BCI renewal.

Returning 4-H Volunteers should also plan to attend an upcoming training and complete a 4-H Online profile. 

Extension Office will reimburse you for your background check.  

For more information Contact the Extension Office  

4-H Volunteer Training

Ohio 4-H Volunteers have an outstanding reputation for their commitment to the development of our youth. To maintain this outstanding reputation, Ohio 4-H volunteers shall continue enhancing their skills to ensure all 4-H participants have a positive and educational experience by annually attending additional youth development training opportunities. 

This training is expected of all county 4-H programs to maintain high-quality volunteers and provide returning volunteer education. Each training lasts about two hours and includes:

  • Youth Development
  • Youth Activities & Programs Policy
  • Cloverbuds
  • County Program Updates

Sunday, January 12, 2025 at 3:00pm

Monday, February 24, 2025 at 6:00pm

Ohio 4-H Volunteer Handbook

Volunteers are truly a gift to be treasured! Thank you for your time, dedication, and commitment to Ohio State University Extension and Greene County 4-H!

You are "Making the Best Better!"