State 4-H Shooting Sports purpose:
"To teach skills to 4-H youth through the shooting sports curriculum and activities that will enable boys and girls to reach fullest potential as capable, caring and contributing citizens."
Why Shooting Sports?
About 2/3 of the homes in the U.S. have firearms. Exposure to safe and responsible handling is vital to preventing accidents in or out of the home.
Program Goals
- To teach safe and responsible use of firearms and archery equipment including sound decision-making, self-discipline and concentration.
- To enhance development of participant's self-concept, character and personal growth through safe, educational and socially acceptable involvement in a shooting activity.
- To promote the highest standards of safety, sportsmanship, and ethical behavior.
- To encourage understanding of natural resource concepts through participant's interests in shooting and hunting.
- To expose participants to the broad array of vocation and lifelong ad vocational activities related to shooting sports.
- To strengthen families through life-long recreational activities.
- To complement and enhance the impact of existing safety and hunter education programs.
Can parents be involved?
YES! 4-H is a family oriented and parents are encouraged to come to the meetings. They may act as Range Safety Officers, Assistant Instructors, or Club Leaders.
Shooting Sports in Greene County includes:
Hunting and Wildlife
Living History
Muzzle Loading
And much more!
When and where will the Greene County 4-H Shooting Sports program meet?
Guns N' Clovers 4-H Club will meet depending on your discipline. Pistol, Rifle and Hunting and Wildlife disciplines meet the months of January- March at the Mad River Armory and Range. Archery, Shotgun and Muzzle-loading meet April-June at Greene County Fish and Game. All business meetings are held at the Greene County Extension office.
Weather Policy for meetings
Please check the club Facebook page.
Greene County Fish and Game have a youth program that 4-H members may particpate in to get more practice on the range. Click here to be taken to their web-site.
Member requirements for project completion.
Equipment requirements - All members are required to have their own eye and eary protection at each meeting. Each member is to have their own record project book.
Attendance requirements - All members are required to attend six shooting meetings plus 2 business meetings in order to comperte at the Greene County Fair.
Project requirements can be found in the Greene County Project Guide and Requirements.
For more information about the Guns N' Clovers 4-H Club please visit their web-site.