Field Specialist, Organizational/Community Leadership Development

Brian Raison serves as an Associate Professor and Extension Field Specialist with The Ohio State University’s Department of Extension. He holds a Bachelor’s in Business, a Master’s in Sociology, and a PhD in Agricultural Extension Education.  Brian's primary focus is on bringing together resources - people, information, ideas and processes - to positively affect outcomes larger than otherwise possible.  This is accomplished by building collaborative partnerships among faculty, staff and community members and conducting targeted research-based programming and facilitation.  His specialization areas are in Community & Organizational Leadership Development, and Community Wellness (process facilitation; strategic planning; vision-to-action; needs assessment, evalutation, non-profit assistance, building networks for collaboration, successful schools).  He also worked extensively in local food systems.  In December of 2015, Brian was recognized by his Extension colleagues with the Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award.