June 24, 2021 - 8:30am -- zehring.5@osu.edu

Did you miss the Homeowner Lawn Care program? Do you have questions about lawn care? Are you interested in learning about lawn care from a science based approach? Do some of these questions keep you up at night: How much fertilizer does my lawn need?  When should I be applying? Do I need lime?  How much do I need to be watering?  Should I have my soil tested?  How do I test my soil? I've tested my soil, but how do I interpret the results?   If yes to any of these questions, the recording is available for viewing at the following link.  https://osu.zoom.us/rec/share/1DPhkfOm6YOToiH-yV2pS4KrCfu11FqrLHD-LuggoEAmW5kx7NXIa3C-QUg1ebG_.R-OpPE9vXv1yG44k   

If you have questions, please contact Trevor at corboy.3@osu.edu or 937-372-9971