Hopefully you had an enjoyable holiday season and now it is time to begin making plans for the 2020 year. Part of this comes the time for private pesticide and fertilizer applicator recertifications.
If your license expires in 2020, you should have already received a letter in the mail from the Ohio Department of Agriculture stating that it is time to renew your license and pay your $30.00 licensing fee. Remember you can go ahead and send this fee to ODA now even if you have not yet completed the recertification training with OSU Extension yet.
Additionally, you need to register for one of the recertification classes included on the flyer your received with you licensing paperwork from the Ohio Department of Agriculture. If you have your private pesticide license you will need a three-hour pesticide recertification program that costs $30.00. Also, if you have your fertilizer applicator certification you will need a one-hour recertification program which costs $10.00. If you need both recertifications it will be $40.00.
These charges cover our cost of education, publications, guides, and refreshments provided for the class. We recommend paying ahead of time to reserve your seat in the program. If your license expires in 2020, please contact the office to register for the Monday, March 9, 2020 – Greene County Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification program. The training will be held at the OSU Extension Greene County office starting at 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. for fertilizer recertification and 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for pesticide recertification.
What if your license doesn’t expire until 2021? Do you have to wait until you sit through the three to four-hour recertification meeting? Life can be very busy at all times of the year and winter is no different. Would you like to get your recertification education completed a year early? One option is to go ahead and get your recertification hours in a year early before your expiration year by attending this years’ recertification meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact the OSU Extension Greene County office at 937-372-9971 ext. 114 for Trevor Corboy, Agriculture and Natural Resources Educator or email Trevor at corboy.3@osu.edu. See Flyer for registration