Please consider purchasing your summer plants from a 4-H member. All flowers come from Stockslagers Greenhouse and Garden Center.
All clubs and committees will receive 15% of their total sales
Here is the member order form. As a reminder, we ask all clubs to turn in 1 order form for their entire club. Orders all due to OSU Extension Office by April 6 at the latest.
Pick-up will be at the fairgrounds on Tuesday, May 5. Scheduled times to pick up will be sent out closer to pick up day.
Thank you for your support!
Last scheduled QA is a combined session (BQA and PQA) for March 30th at 9:30 am
- Any youth wishing to exhibit an animal at the fair in 2021 is required to complete Quality Assurance. Quality Assurance for exhibition at the Greene County Fair must be completed by June 1st. Any youth wishing to exhibit at the Ohio State Fair MUST complete Quality Assurance prior to the start of the OSF. All youth wishing to exhibit SWINE at the OSF must have a parent/guardian complete PQA. Contact Trevor Corboy by emailing at for how to complete PQA.
- Youth showing HOGS and BEEF at the Greene County Fair must participate in the PQA or BQA specific QA offered. Youth showing both Beef and Swine must take both BQA and PQA for QA completion. Youth showing any other animal can participate in any of the offered QA sessions.
- To be eligible for participation in the Greene County Fair, potential youth exhibitors must participate in one of the following Livestock Quality Assurance Programs. If youth are taking the following projects, this is required: Beef (market steers, breeding, feeder calf), Dairy (heifers, feeders and cows if lactating or have lactated and feeders if selling- heifers before lactation do not need it), goats (all), poultry (all), rabbit (all), sheep (all), llamas & alpacas, and swine.
- Parents are encouraged to attend but not required except for PQA for youth participating at the Ohio State Fair.
- Youth need to attend a QA training conducted by OSU Extension or FFA Advisor.
Please visit to sign up. You must sign up to receive the zoom link.
Experience 4-H Kits at Home
Don't Miss Out - Space is limited
Thanks to a grant from the Ohio 4-H Foundation, we are able to offer “Experience 4-H at Home” kits. Throughout 2021, we will offer 4 different kits, based on each of the H’s in 4-H. The next kit will be all about the 2nd H, HEART.
The kits are geared toward Cloverbud age.
The kits will include the activities to complete and the majority of the supplies needed.
I will send an email confirmation once we reach our capacity. When kits are ready for pickup, I ask that they are picked up within 2 weeks. Otherwise, we will open to the waitlist.
Thank you!
Backyard Critters - Poultry, Rabbits, and More
March 18, 2021 6:30-7:30pm Speaker: Trevor Corboy Thinking of adding a pet, hobby animal or poultry to your backyard? In this session, you will learn of things to consider and ways to manage your backyard critters. Add the tools to your toolbox to be successful in raising animals near the comfort of your property. Flyer Registration
Agriculture 3 Hour Certification
Monday, March 15,2021 8:30 A.M. -11:30 A.M. • OSU Extension Greene County
This meeting will fulfill the three-hour requirement for private and commercial applicators who need the Ohio agricultural fertilizer applicatorcertification. Flyer
The Drunken Botanist
March 11, 2021 6:30-7:30pm Speaker: Amy Stewart Who knew that horticulture was such an intoxicating subject? Amy explores the odd, unusual, and surprisingly common plants that have produced the world's greatest spirits. Flyer
Home Landscaping Part 3: Foodscaping
March 4, 2021 6:30-7:30pm Speaker: Brie Arthur Foodscaping is a modern term for the practice of integrating edible plants into ornamental landscapes. This program will inspire attendees to think creatively about planting veggies! Learn how to pair edibles with the best flowering perennials for your region. Flyer
Conifers for Today's Gardens
FEB. 18, 2021
Conifers that change color… Conifers that require no pruning… Conifers for shady areas? Join us to look at a brief description and cultural requirements for conifers. Plus, a look at some of the many new varieties and where to find them.
Home Landscaping Part 2: Attracting Wildlife
FEB. 4, 2021
Backyards play an increasingly important role in wildlife conservation. Learn to help reduce the negative effects of habitat loss on birds, bees, butterflies, and other wildlife species in your area by creating a favorable landscape.
Marne Titchenellis a Wildlife Program Specialist with OSU Extension. She works to provide a variety of educational programs, workshops, conferences, and publications centered on wildlife ecology and biology, habitat management for wildlife, and managing nuisance wildlife species.
When: Thursday, February 4, 2021 from 6:30-7:30 P.M.
Conifer Conundrum
JAN. 14, 2021
It is always disheartening to see a prized conifer (pine, spruce, fir, etc.) turning brown, loosing needles, or outright dying. There are multiple possibilities as to what might be killing a conifer. This program will look at some of the more common reasons for the decline and death of conifers and management suggestions. Join us via zoom with our speaker, Curtis Young, ANR Educator Van Wert County Thursday, January 28, 2021 at 6:30pm. Click for more information
Summer Food Service Programs
JUN. 19, 2020
The USDA Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) was established to fill the gap when children lose access to meals when schools are closed. Most often this occurs during summer vacation. However, during school closures related to the pandemic, meals are also being made available. You have the opportunity to supplement the food you have at home with meals and snacks for your children from local schools and community organizations.
Local Food Growers and Producers
APR. 20, 2020
The Agriculture and Natural Resource Educators in the counties of Fayette, Greene, Highland, Clinton, Clermont, Brown, Pike and Ross counties are working to collect a list of local producers to share with consumers through a variety of networks about locally grown or produced food sources. Obviously with the recent chain of events for our county, state, and country several questions have come up concerning the availability of local food sources, when the grocery stores are unable to maintain stock.