This is the link to join Tuesday, May 10th at 6:00pm, no preregistration is required. i
This is the last scheduled QA Training. Any youth wishing to exhibit an animal at the Greene County Fair in 2022 is required to complete Quality Assurance. Quality Assurance for exhibition at the Greene County Fair must be completed by June 1st. Any youth wishing to exhibit at the Ohio State Fair MUST complete Qualtiy Assurance prior to the start of the Ohio State Fair. All youth wishing to exhibit SWINE at the Ohio State Fair must have a parent/quardian complete PQA. Contact Trever Corboy by emailing at for how to complete PQA. This QA session will also count for BQA and PQA Greene County requirements.
Exhibitors of Beef: (market steers, breeding, feeder calf), dairy (heifers, feeders and cows if lactating or have lactated and feeders if selling- heifers before lactation don’t need it), goats (all), poultry (all), rabbits (all), sheep (all), llamas and alpacas, and swine must participate in Quality Assurance (QA) annually.