Conifers for Today's Gardens
February 18, 2021 6:30pm - 7:30pm Speaker: Bob Iiames, Jr.
Conifers that change color… Conifers that require no pruning… Conifers for shady areas? Join us to look at a brief description and cultural requirements for conifers. Plus, a look at some of the many new varieties and where to find them..
Bob Iiames, Jr. is a member of the American Conifer Society, Ohio Valley North American Rock Garden Society, and is past president of the Miami Valley Hosta Society. Bob has provided continuing education to many Ohio and Indiana, Master Gardener Volunteers, as well as Miami Valley Green Industry Professionals. He has spoken to numerous garden clubs, plant societies, the Great Lakes Region Hardy Plant Society, the Federation of Garden Clubs, Ohio Association of Garden Clubs, local garden centers, and at Hosta College.
This program will be presented via Zoom on Thursday, February 18. 2021 at 6:30 PM
Cost: $7.00
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